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libcurl is a cross-platform multi-protocol network transfer library. It is widely used both as a stand-alone command-line utility and as a standard or optional library for many programming languages and development environments.

RB-libcURL is a libcurl binding for Realbasic and Xojo ("classic" framework) projects. Library binaries for various platforms are available, or can built from source.

The minimum supported libcURL version is 7.15.2. The recommended minimum version is 7.33.0. Versions prior to 7.33.0 will function with degraded features, but versions prior to 7.15.2 will not function properly at all. The minimum supported Xojo version is RS2010R4.

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License:MIT/X derivate Language: RealBasic

This project wraps libcURL's API in an object-oriented, event-driven, Xojo-flavored syntax. It fully supports Xojo-style threads (i.e. cooperative fibers), and is capable of both synchronous and asynchronous transfers using any supported protocol. All main features are known to work under Ubuntu 12.04 and should work on OS X.

Thorough documentation and a number of examples can be found on the wiki.